On the main page Basic concepts of astrology

  Purpose and practical sense of astrology

  Purpose of astrology

   The purpose of an astrology - to help the person to learn most itself. Because knowing your strengths and weaknesses of character, a person will know it is something to work to get better, to improve yourself. The purpose of an astrology not in accus planets that with us occurred, and on the contrary, in studying itself on the basis of planetary indications. In a horoscope there was no kind and malicious planets and aspects: each planet or aspect could bring to the person both kindly, and angrily. All depended on how he worked over those qualities whom the planet or aspect symbolized. It are impossible to lower hands and to tell, for example, "Yes, I such greedy because I had the stricken Venus in the Taurus!". It are necessary to work over itself and then the same Venus will give you not greed, but care at the conclusion of financial transactions!
   The horoscope are not your narrow-gage railway on life. The main principle of an astrology are perfectly express in the Chaldean oracle: "Though destiny can be written in Heaven, mission of divine soul - to ennoble human soul over circle of necessities". Life on a horoscope are life without struggle, life downstream. If a person is a little Personality, he chooses the options of their own destiny, and a horoscope indicates their spectrum. There was certainly the fatal horoscopes narrow quantity of variants of destiny to a minimum, but they was and there, however, people with fatal horoscopes much less than the others. "Astra inclinant, non necessitant" ("Stars are declining, but do not oblige"), - as the ancients said. The task of astrologer - indicate dangerous or adverse moments in the life of man, that he was ready for them internally or could be mitigated. I does not speak to "bypass", because "detour" of a problem are fraught with that on the following coil of history not work problem will strike you again with the doubl force. Problems whom the horoscope highlighted, it are necessary to study, instead of to hide a head in sand, like an ostrich.

  Practical sense of astrology

   Practical sense of an astrology - in existence of a uniform general rhythm. With it you can judge the character traits of the person, about his abilities, possibilities in the long term, unlike the psychology consider the person of the man in a statics. The astrology could provide guidance on events whom the person will involve in itself in life according to the program put at a birth. It are possible to predict even time of events.
   Here some aspects of application of an astrology in daily activity (from my experience):
   The person long time suffered depression. Astrologer can determine its cause for the transit and predict the time of its termination.
   Person looking thing and thinks that it friend stole. Astrologer can tell where the thing was lost and to justify a friend.
   The astrologer could predict to drivers time when the attention will be more their are dull, that will help to avoid accident.
   Mother could not find common language with the son. Constructing synastric horoscope (combining horoscopes mother and son), astrologer can determine the point of contact and tense in both characters, prompting the mother on what character strings in her son should play to win his sympathy.
   Astrologer, knowing the time of birth of the candidate for recruitment may even suggest counterspies, on what qualities it can play to recruit, and to pick up for the recruitment of a man who would trust a candidate.
   Knowing a person's horoscope, the astrologer can make the schedule unfavorable days in which aggravated the disease.
   The astrologer could help with a choice of a trade or high school when the person wanted both there, and here, and he is at the crossroads.
   And such examples there could be a great number. The professional astrologer are similar to the psychologist or the priest as carried out similar functions.
   As argument against an astrology, psychologists used the following: "After reading your horoscope , the person programmed and tries to live by it . Therefore supposedly horoscopes also come true". First, the professional astrologer will always define on a horoscope of easily inspir or self-inspir person and treatment will lead very carefully, avoid sharp predictions. Secondly, I always brings such example. My acquaintance getting to accident and were not lost nearly. In his horoscope there no direct instructions on accident, but later when he ordering to me the forecast for that ill-fated day, I seeing that the probability of accident were very big, and I defining that him distract conversation. He confirmed it. If he ordered me a forecast, I could warn him and he would not have raced 150 km/h, the disaster could have been avoided.
   You decide which is better - astrological "coding" or ignorance of options for yours fate.


   Глоба П. Анализ и синтез космограммы. Л., 1991
   Эзотерика. Т. I I. Астрология: Учебный курс. Пер. с нем. - М. Воскресенье, 1993