On the main page Basic concepts of astrology

  Astrological etiquette

    1. Astrologer, as a psychologist or a priest, it is necessary to keep secret the information about the client. It can make it public only with the consent of the client.

    2. The astrologer not the Lord also did not give a full guarantee on the predictions. Therefore in the treatments it are necessary for astrologer to use expressions "probably", "could be", "most likely", etc.

    3. The astrologer must be confident in their predictions. If no such confidence(especially in horary and predictive astrology), the client must be warned about a certain degree of probability of the predicted event.

    4. The astrologer should be especially careful, work with people, in whose horoscopes strong Water. Such people was very hypochondriac and the astrologer the careless statement could literally "program" such person. For the same reason the astrologer should not give to the client time of his death if it are not calculat on horoscopes of many people (for example, by "Complex predictive technique" by V.Krivodub). However, here approach strictly individual.

    5. The astrologer at analysis of sinastriya should not give categorical judgments and recommendations, whether especially on questions like "Do I marry him?", etc. Marriages are made in heaven and the astrologer only need to specify the counselee at their points of contact and mutual understanding "and" friction points", advise on how to minimize the effect of the latter.

    6. The astrologer are not recommended to count exact (!) time of a marriage for the client. He could specify to the client only favorable period for a marriage.

    7. At calculation of favorable days for medical actions necessarily consider also a horoscope of the doctor.

